Mold Removal Before & After Photos

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Subfloor Repair in Fayetteville, NC

Moisture in the crawl space caused this customers subfloor to rot. We replaced the joists and floor with new lumber to ensure a safe, level, and stabilized structure. 

Structural Damage as a Result of Excessive Moisture in Dudley, NC

As a result of moisture damage, our team had to replace the subfloor and install SmartJack Support System in this customer's crawl space. These measures not only restored the structural integrity of the crawl space but also provided long-term stability and protection against future moisture-related issues.

Termite Damage Repair in Rowland, NC

This homeowner's crawl space was severely damaged by termites, so we replaced the damaged wood with new lumber to ensure the home's structural safety.

Vented Crawl Space Problems in Williamston, NC

The dampness, humidity, and water intrusion problems in crawl spaces make them ideal environments for mold and rot to grow. A vented crawl space allows rain, humidity, cold air, and pesky pests into the space, causing more damage than good. Crawl spaces are also a breeding ground for termites, carpenter ants, and other damaging insects that feed on organic materials like the pictured wooden floor joists. As the wood deteriorates, it can't support your home, causing significant structural damage. Most crawl space failures and damaged structures can be repaired by sealing, encapsulating, and installing crawl space support posts by our crawl space repair experts!

SmartJack Support Post Installation in Williamston, NC

The floor joists in the crawl space of this home were deteriorating due to old termite damage. We installed SmartJack Support Posts to ensure the structure is safe and stable. 

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